The bro’s need a tan
(No, I’m not “back” – still largely remaining offline lately – just saw these mods on Steam Workshop and fired up the game for the 1st time in a couple months to take a few pics of them. Ha. I might post more in late Fall/Winter again. Maybe.)
These are actually really good o.O I can almost see them posing for a photoshoot in these. Well, not Ignis’ dress or Prompto’s fetish for dressing up in chocobo feathers, though >__>
The swimwear was actually official art files. They showed up in the files after a December update I think. Never officially released, supposedly planned to be paid-mods or something. Since they stopped work on the game, a Steam user decided to rip them out/finish/release them as Workshop mods as best as they were able. But that’s one reason they may be better than average in the art and graphic design than most user-mods.
Noctis has a black line around his neck tho.
Ah, that explains it. Yeah, I was surprised at how crisp they are and how they seem to fit the characters.
However, I am a supporter of equality (whenever it’s favorable to me) so I must ask, were there any other art files depicting the ladies of FFXV in swimwear as well?
Asking for a friend (;^ω^)
What? What? 😛 I said I wasn’t “back”. If I’m using the blog a lot I reply faster overall. When I’m not I may not notice stuff until I check email and get the WP auto-email notifications of comments. And I check email maybe once a week at best most of the time. Plus some days I’m too lazy to site login. Pfft.
I have no clue about other files in the game that may have been added with intention to release but never officially used/released in-game. The above was just what I read about those specific outfits. I’d rather doubt it tho – outfits wise they’ve always just focused on the bro’s.
Ah, my bad. Sorry .__.
I really didn’t think any female swimwear was available either, like you said, it’s mostly the guys getting new stuff. But I thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask just to be sure. You never know, maybe it’s there but these modders just haven’t dug deep enough.
There’s gotta be something.