Tag: funny
Revisiting: Ansel “Sticker” feature
Hmm, this might have some kind of pic potential now. If only I wasn’t 99.9% super-lazy.
I’ve learned the “stickers” feature of Ansel, that they added a while back, can be altered with personalized stickers of your choice. You just have to make a transparent image of the same dimensions and stick it in the Program Files/Nvidia folder that contains them. Sadly you can’t add more to what’s there, you have to overwrite/rename one of the 8 default ones, making switching between a lot of them potentially annoying. But at least if you really want to change them for a specific reason, you can. The default ones were mostly generically dull and (to me) ignored, so that’s a good thing.
They’ve also added a “greenscreen” feature, so you can insert your own background and make it fill the whole background or just part of it. Like in the above pics and below, the starry sky and chibi chrs. aspect is greenscreen. As with the Stickers, you can add your own personal backgrounds, but can only overwrite the two that already exist. Two seems a bit of a small number. Eight backgrounds stored at once, like the Stickers, would’ve been nice.
Neither features is all that useful most of the time really, and I still find it all rather unnecessary. You could also simply create similar images by manually editing a screenshot/creating them in an image editor instead of dealing with it this way. But I suppose if one had a creative idea (unlike me and my lowbrow humor…), or just like this type of thing, it all gives one more options. And I was really bored this afternoon. 😛
Ignis – pretty in pink?
This is Ignis giving me a “Why do you always do this to me?” look. Because it makes me LULZ, that’s why! Poor Ignis.
The mod outfit is supposed to be a nurse one I think. It’s hilarious in normal gameplay, but then I used the Ring and the total black background + Ignis’ pose made it … still hilarious! But kind of artistic as well. It fits him somehow. 😛 These make pretty good wallpapers, if Ignis in a dress is your thing.
Terra Wars Collaboration 1
I honestly can’t stand the color/filter palette they used for this extra mission. Certain moments are ok but overall it’s horrid at least with my PC/settings. 😛
I didn’t get very far, just to the point below, whereupon the game decided to CTD and in irritation I played something else instead. Terra Wars interests me not at all so I haven’t returned to it yet. But Noct. being jumped by the little white doll things was kinda cute.
Sidenote: I’ve been intently looking into the parts for a new dedicated “4k”/Win10 gaming PC, but I’m thinking about waiting for the new i9-9900k cpu (vs. i7-8700k). Seems like it’ll be only $150-$200 more so if benchmarks on it are good I may wait for it. Hoping to have something built by Xmas or New Year period. And then I should be able to play this game in 4k at … 40-60fps. HAHA. Who knows. But at least that should be with graphic settings up higher. $3000+ so I can play FFXV as best as one can. Ok ok, not only FXV…it’s just funny to say that.
I can’t think of a title, random
I can’t sleep, mostly, sorry, heh.
Too-silly outfit on a too-serious man = giggles.
Square also released another set of low-poly ‘bro mods based on an old FF (maybe VII?) … I tried them but not my visual thing. Anyway, I wonder if this recent unannounced activity means they’re closer to releasing editor and Comrades updates. Wouldn’t that be nice.
Making Ravus run
Because as a “guest” party member, he cannot ride a chocobo and of course there’s no place for him in the car. Hahah, poor guy.
Oh and YouTube and their upload compression algorithms, or whatever, sucks. Keeps changing now and then and I have to figure out what I need to change during my rendering to make it not look like utter shit when uploaded, again. F*** YT/Google. Also, F*** Comcast. I think they’re back to throttling the entire internet where I live, between 5pm-10pm. It was better for a couple years but ….