Tag: funny

Nvidia updated Ansel a bit

Finer control options maybe but more categories mixed together+already-tweaked settings set on filters that mean way more slider adjusting if you don’t want extreme changes by default. Bah. And then I saw this…

Really? Stickers? Silly faces? Is this necessary/really a thing?

But then…
*small giggle*

And then…

*large guffaw* … ok, I suppose it’s childishly funny for 10 seconds. Definitely need more to choose from however. I think there’s only 8 choices.

Chrs. clipping into each other ruins pics

Gosh darnit, Gladio getting in my way again.

Ignis has this slightly disgruntled (or constipated, or something) look and pose but Gladio is too busy sticking his arm through Iggy’s chest for me to get anything but an extreme face closeup of it which isn’t what I wanted.

Then again … I do like this one where it looks like Ignis is irritated with Gladio, so I suppose all was not lost.

Now, I don’t mean to pick on Gladio per se – if I was really into Gladio or Noctis, it’d be Ignis and Prompto I’d want to be invisible all the time instead, of course. Point is – graphic clipping in games always sucks, even if some humorous moments arise from it. 😀


Different colors, but all the same pants and jacket style. Dudes be stylin’.

It’s hard to get them to line up outside of the character menu for a “real world” shot….

Bonus! Noct. as Michael Jackson? 😛 😛
(don’t ask, the chr. screen went weird for a second).


Luring and reeling it in.

Noctis uses his magic powers to pull his catch through the pier. Less danger of falling in I guess.

Noct: “Hey guys, come congratulate me already, will ya?”

Ignis: “Hurry up Prompto, we have to go admire his Majesty’s fish.”

You know I had to say it.

The thing about Prompto is…

…that he may be like an overly cheerful, annoying little brother or nephew – but he can make the funniest faces.

Let me be clear – I don’t find Prompto “hot” at all, at best, to me he’s cute in a sort of childish way. But for some reason I’ve been taking a lot of pics of Prompto the past few days. Maybe it’s that new jacket. Or just random luck of him doing all these amusing things/being in nice scenery.