

A blog for screenshots/media/other of Final Fantasy XV, PC/Windows version. I love Nvidia’s Ansel program. It’s an addiction. I tend to focus on combat shots/poses, general portraits, and random silly stuff. If I’m in a FFXV mood, I often multi-post every day, but there can be weeks of nothing, as well. I may occasionally post other game pics.


—Screenshots/thumbnails are links – click image to view fullsize
—I typically use 2560×1440 but sometimes post “4k” shots.
—There are some Categories and tags but I think every word in a post is searchable.
There will sometimes be visual quest/combat spoilers.
—For the moment you can comment without registering. How long this lasts depends on how well the spam-block plugins work. Email addresses are not displayed.
—I try to post pics of all the bro’s and occasionally other NPC’s, but Ignis is definitely my favorite. Just saying. 😛