Tag: cutout
So much “work” …
Not all of, but maybe half of my current cut-outs.
Now imagine dozens of “greenscreened” shots like these every time I turn on the game for 30 minutes:
Once every couple of days I might work on a couple at a time. Or at least sift through and see what ones I might want to cutout for whatever reasons and set them aside somewhere. It’s a long haul and continuous thing.
At the moment I’ve been rather distracted by checking out GooglePlay on the Tab-A tablet. All the watch ads or coins systems “free” games. Digital jigsaw puzzles (all the fun, none of the table-space-mess), mobile action-rpg’s, visual novels. Most are trash or too annoying re: ads/”buy rubies!” crap but some are decent time-wasters. Also bought FFXV’s Pocket Edition, at last. It’s actually pretty good, for mobile, although using the touchscreen becomes tiresome after an hour or so. However I can see why mobile gaming (ads/micro-transaction annoyances not withstanding) is such a big thing now. You just have to sift through a ton of idiocy to find the decent ones.
This is what happens when…
… you wake up in the middle of the night, can’t go back to sleep, and are really bored.
Blog: hubby tossed me a Galaxy Tab-A 10.5″. Freebies/cast-offs from clients. I didn’t have a cellphone until he gave me an old Samsung S5 a year or two ago (and more recently a S7). I only use the phones as mini ‘net browsers with home wi-fi, no cell/phone service. Anyway, I mention it because my device wallpapers are all currently of Ignis and hubby likes to make fun of me for it. If I leave one in the garage he may enter my pc-room with it and tell me I forgot my boyfriend. 😛
Although since I now have the big tablet, I may change the phones to some anime ones soon.
Noctis, flower field, sunset, 4k
It’s hard to find ready-made wallpapers that work well the game cutouts, imo. Angle is always wrong, it’s too realistic vs. game graphics, lighting is wrong vs. the shadows on the character etc. I used some spotlights to try to make Noct’s face be more lit while his arm is darker (since sun is “behind” him) but yeah, not sure that came out very convincing, heh. Personally I actually like them just on the dark grey background I cut them out of, but most would find that boring I guess. Dark grey is a nice desktop color tho.
Btw, it’s hilarious how I can type these paragraphs and it doesn’t seem like all that much, but then I check the site on the cellphone and it’s this HUGE WALL OF TEXT. Perspective.
Wallpaper practice
Just, y’know, more cutout practice, nothing special. The Noctis one, the hair had dark blue bleeding so it’s probably the worst hair-wise. Prompto’s hair is actually the easiest to deal with overall, just that top fringe area can be irritating.
Gladio’s pic, yes there’s a piece of him missing, I didn’t notice the greenscreen depth was too close, overlapping/cutting something off. Just pretend he had an accident and is looking out the window of his new house after forced retirement.
I did not create any of the backgrounds – since my artistic skill is about zero – random net finds from wallpaper sites. Photography editing (for me) = working with lighting, color, certain types of corrections, simple layering and selection editing sometimes and that’s it. While I can pen-doodle while talking on the phone, and use/manipulate standard image editor “filters” and such, I can’t paint, draw, 3d anything and my abilities with a digital “paintbrush” using a mouse consists of line drawings that look like they were drawn with crayons by a 4 year old during happy-art time. After all this practice in terms of finding what “greenscreen” background colors work best for the black-ish and brown/blondish hair, I now need to turn on the game again and take a lot more pictures to work with. Maybe I’ll get some actual ideas in the process. Or I might drift into some other busy work time-waster instead. Like a 150 episode anime. I’m distractable like that.
Btw, my working .psd files for only the cutouts themselves end up around 30-70+MB, because they’re usually about 3500-4000 pixels tall (screenshot size I use/take is 7680×4320). I’m not uploading a bunch of those. >.>  Even the .png versions end up around 5+MB. If I ever get a set of good ones I’ll probably resize them a bit smaller and make them a zip file download.
As good as it gets I guess
This is not transparent/a cut out. But it’s showing the full size. See all those 1 to 2 pixel wide strands of hair? Yeah, it’s like that. I use 500% magnification most of the time.
I made my own grey and beige greenscreen colors for screenshots that work much better. Doesn’t color-bleed into the hair, like Nvidia’s uber bright blue, green, purple etc. does, making it easier. Still, took me 3 hours to get his hair clipped. Problem is, I’m super picky. Or just obstinate, or both. 😛 So three examples of this cut-out on random stuff. Still not perfect on black background but it’s tolerable/you can work with it.
The last pic is … well don’t ask. When their heads are smaller you don’t have to be as precise about the hair.