Cindy, solid color backgrounds
Playing around with the Ansel greenscreen option again. Using a solid color background (doesn’t have to be green) means you can “magic-wand” and cut out objects (middle-left pic below, line around Cindy).
Unfortunately hair is often a problem because of all the thin separated strands/spaces (the pics on the right side, above) and thus pixel/color bleeding around hair edges. It can be a lot of extra work to remove or blend out all the excess color around their hair, if I wanted clean-ish cut-outs. Or if you want to Fill the background with a different color instead (because the colors Ansel lets you choose from are pretty basic and kind of suck). Not even sure what I’d do with a large set of FFXV object cut-outs but I was bored and pointless busy work like this passes the time.
Is this one of those green-screen things where you can cut/paste her body onto other photos easily?
Asking for a friend.
For a friend eh? 😉
And yes, you can.