Cindy, solid color backgrounds

final fantasy xv ffxv cindy screenshot 4k

final fantasy xv ffxv cindy screenshot 4k

final fantasy xv ffxv cindy screenshot 4k

Playing around with the Ansel greenscreen option again. Using a solid color background (doesn’t have to be green) means you can “magic-wand” and cut out objects (middle-left pic below, line around Cindy).

final fantasy xv screenshot

Unfortunately hair is often a problem because of all the thin separated strands/spaces (the pics on the right side, above) and thus pixel/color bleeding around hair edges. It can be a lot of extra work to remove or blend out all the excess color around their hair, if I wanted clean-ish cut-outs. Or if you want to Fill the background with a different color instead (because the colors Ansel lets you choose from are pretty basic and kind of suck). Not even sure what I’d do with a large set of FFXV object cut-outs but I was bored and pointless busy work like this passes the time.