Tag: dlc

Ardyn as Christ figure

ffxv final fantasy xv ardyn dlc 4k

So if Ardyn is the Christ-like figure, what is Noctis? With all the lore dumping and hey, btw, the gods are arses, but wait, are they really or does it just seem that way, maybe the gods are as much at the whim of Fate and Destiny as anyone else – is anyone really a good guy or a bad guy in this tale? Well, I’m not even going to pretend to understand or waste my limited braincells trying to analyze what can’t truly be analyzed, because in games (and movies, and long running tv series), story can be story at any time for “reasons.” But hey! Look at that detail work in Ardyn’s torso! The belly button is almost photogenic!

ffxv final fantasy xv ardyn dlc 4k
Is it the same as Gladio’s bellybutton/torso, only minus tattoos? I always leave Gladio’s shirt on, I have no idea.

ffxv final fantasy xv ardyn dlc 4k

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Not Ardyn’s naked torso, but I like it anyway. There’s a lot of “painting” aspect to some of the cutscenes.
final fantasy ffxv ardyn dlc 4k

Ardyn, the DLC of Hats

Note: This DLC is another case where I end up thinking many pics only look good on a bigger screen so when I’m running through them later I’m not sure they’re good for a blog. I’ll post a different themed entry later tho. For myself, I found the DLC overall fun, somewhere between Ignis’ DLC and Prompto’s. Like if Ignis’ was an A and Prompto’s was a B-, Ardyn’s would be a B+. Just in my opinion, of course. The one area Ardyn’s dlc is lacking is combat. It’s like Ardyn is Superman and there is no Kryptonite. But they did go all-in for story and lore. And the hats.

He really likes his hats. So do I, for that matter. I didn’t count, but I think there’s like 15 or 16 total hats? Or maybe it was only 12-ish. It was a lot, anyway.
ffxv ardyn dlc hats

Ardyn doesn’t need a bed to rest in – a bench and some coffee will do.
ffxv ardyn dlc hatsffxv ardyn dlc hats

Ardyn mid-aerial attack. That hat stays on, of course.
ffxv ardyn dlc hats

I still like his usual hat the best, although that top-hat comes close.
ffxv ardyn dlc hats